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DTec ('DTec Devices') was founded to provide quality products to fill niche requirements, and to do so at a sensible price. Our designs have developed over the years from practical needs and we have decided to make these available to the public. By regularly including technical articles we also hope to expand your knowledge and to encourage ongoing innovation.


If you encounter a particular need that requires a special product to help, drop us an email. We are continually looking for new challenges and are happy to take a concept and develop it if practical (if your prepared to help the successful development, obviously you'll be rewarded with a solution)

Meet the DTec Team

Darren Todd DTec

Darren Todd is the DTec founder and is responsible for product development, hardware design and embedded software.  Darren has spent his life specializing in the automotive electronics and development field, working in many areas for both private industry and the worlds largest original and aftermarket automotive companies. He also has extensive experience as an educational provider in the automotive engineering field.

Lynne Furey DTec

Lynne Furey is responsible for administration, graphic design, dispatch and service. Lynne has spent many years working in the automotive and power tool industry and has filled many varied roles for some of the great market leaders.

Ross McLean DTec


RIP Ross McLean, may he rest in peace.

Ross McLean was the human interface software expert and provided development assistance. Ross was an expert in industrial control and manufacturing and had worked extensively in the research and performance development field. Ross brought to the table with him graphics design skills and had an impressive background as an educational provider.


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Send mail to DTecDevices@outlook.com with questions or comments about this web site.